


Wednesday, April 15, 2020


So Andrew Pike, wrote a book about the Oceanos which was so factual, I have read a lot of his posts now on Facebook and I think this one is so appropriate for the time we are in and so true.

Image may contain: one or more people and people standingAs this will be my 21st and last scheduled Chronicle, I thought I might share some lessons learned. Many are trite, very few (if any) are especially profound, but I'll share them in any event for posterity.
1. I have discovered that I have more than I need - clothes, food, toilet paper, whatever else I have used this lockdown. Time to simplify.
2. ‘Use by’ dates on some foods are just indicative to the nearest 5 years.
3. I’ve discovered how happy I am not driving to and from the office. And I get a bonus hour to myself each day.
4. There’s much to be said for working from home.
5. I’ve never felt safer from illness in my life.
6. It’s possible to stay fit and trim without leaving home. (I might just about be ready for my annual Discovery check-up.)
7. You spend way less money if you never leave the house and no one is delivering non-essential goods.
8. It’s probably a good idea for men at least to start the lockdown with a short haircut and for everyone to start with their hair as its natural color. (Man, can you just imagine how busy those hairdressers are going to be when C-19 is no longer a thing?!)
9. There’s a lot to do around the house.
10. It’s exciting to switch off the computer at the end of the day and find yourself at home.
11. There’s not much that I need an office for.
12. I could probably spend the rest of my life doing challenges, watching game drives, listening to concerts, learning and doing other cool things on line without getting bored. Or I could just read a good book. Either way works for me.
13. There’s inherent good and kindness in most people (but a lockdown often activates the stupid gene as well).
14. A lockdown is an incredible way to test the strength of close relationships.
15. You don't need to be physically with people to connect and engage with them.
16. Leadership is everything for the success of a lockdown, but then again, so is compliance.
17. A lockdown is an amazing opportunity to rethink, repurpose, recalibrate and transform your life and each moment of your life.
18. The ease with which you move through a lockdown is directly proportional to the purpose, gratitude, connection and optimism with which you live your life.
19. There is no single profound truth which is unique to a lockdown.
20. Lockdown = Life. How you play this lockdown will mirror how you play Life itself.
Final CSSA awards:
CoMs for MOTIVATION and INSPIRATION to everyone who has provided entertainment, opportunities for growth and distractions during this lockdown.
CoMs for CREATIVITY to everyone who has said 'Yes' to this time and found ways to transform your thinking and behaviour.
CoMs for humour to everyone who made me and others laugh and helped cheer up the world.
* Everyone in the frontline of the fight against COVID-19: doctors, nurses, healthcare workers, counselors, essential service providers in the municipal sector, government, food parcel providers, transporters, couriers and whoever else I may have forgotten.
KazaletteJeśkaStefan and Joanne, for all that you bring to the world.
I have already awarded a lifetime BRAIN-FART CoM to Donald Trump, so what more can he be awarded? He has once again excelled himself by cutting off funding to the World Health Organisation, essentially blaming them for the 635,000 infections and more than 30,000 deaths in America, when he can personally claim responsibility for the bulk of those. Perhaps a Super Lifetime CoM in this category?
Thank you all for reading my Chronicles and for being willing to play in this space.
I wish everyone well for Lockdown: Phase 2, which starts at midnight tonight.

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