


Thursday, December 25, 2008

Christmas Day 2008

So Christmas day finally arrived, Emily only went to bed just before midnight on Christmas Eve, she fell asleep in the car on the way home from Joe & Carla, but woke up when we got home and insisted on a bed time story before going to sleep. Needless to say I was actually awake before her, but she was up by 9, daddy came down and we all opened presents.

Well Em's face was just to sad when she opened the first present and it wasn't a bike or something equally as exciting, just learnt don't give kids clothes for Christmas. Derrick then told her to look at the big thing under the blanket, well when we saw the bike we did not stop smiling the whole day.

So we put the roast on, went for a shower and no sooner did Lisa arrive with her new partner "laughing Elmo", he was so funny. Lisa spoilt us with lots of pressies, I got Jamie Oliver's cook book and a book about Rathfarnham, Dundrum and Stillorgan which is so interesting.

We ate and drank and by 4 o'clock were so stuffed that we decided it was time to go for a walk and Em could take her bike. The picture here is of the road at the back of our house that leads up to the forest and the mountain. Emily part took of a Christmas day spaghetti bolognaise meal! I don't know where the day went but no sooner was it 8 pm and time for Em to go bath, another Christmas over!!

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