


Friday, December 26, 2008

Boxing Day Pancakes & Fun

Well I'd say the best thing about Emily getting a bike for Christmas is the fact that we will get out of the house more and get more exercise, although she could probably cycle round the neighbour hood, the roads here are quite busy and until she becomes a bit more street wise I would rather take her off to the park.

Marlay park is fast becoming my favourite park, it is probably only about a mile or two from our house, and the park is huge. They have an organic fruit and veg market every Saturday morning, the grounds are huge which incorporates a hockey field, cricket field other fields where they host rock concerts and it is also the start of the Mountain walk, "The wicklow way", which someday I may attempt.

Emily soon found out that having a bike is a cool way to meet other kids especially boys and they can compare bikes and race. D & I will have to get fit to keep up with her or else just have her electronically tagged.

The weather was beautiful and crisp and we had a lovely walk, then Em went to play in the children's playground for a while, and all too soon it was time to go home as we were expecting the Pillays and the Rules for pancakes.

Derrick had promised to do pancakes or should I say I volunteered his services, well we were home literally five minutes when Joe & Carla arrived. D started the pancakes, Malcolm, Natalie and Kirsten had gone to the airport to fetch Don and before they even arrived a whole batch of pancakes had been eaten.

After they arrived another 2 batches were made, it was a really nice afternoon where everyone just congregated in the kitchen.

1 comment:

  1. Very good pancakes, aided to the pounds being packed on during the festive season...ah well diet starts today now that our guests have all left!
