


Sunday, December 28, 2008


Every year almost since Emily was born we have got tickets for the Panto, last year at Jack & the Beanstalk was really the first time that Emily actually interacted with the play, so this year she was all quite prepared for the interaction. The panto is such a brilliant day out both for kids and adults as a lot of the humour is really for Adults and they use everyday situations.

The whole day was full of Excitement, Emily got to wear her favourite Christmas dress again, thank goodness she is getting loads of wear out of it, and off we set to the LUAS station in Milltown to get the LUAS into St. Stephens green.

Mom remembered to pack the old bread this time and we first went to feed the ducks and the swans in the park. Emily is so cute, she tries to ensure that each bird gets their fair share of food and starts shouting at them if they try and steal each others food.Derrick just fed all the pigeons.

We then went off to change some gifts that we had received duplicates of and then to Emily's favourite place for lunch Eddie Rockets, it even has the same initials as her. Once lunch was over we walked up to the Gaiety to see the show.

The theatre was absolutely packed, we all enjoyed ourselves and then headed back to the LUAS and home after a long day, now till next year, I wonder what the Panto is next year?

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