


Sunday, December 7, 2008

Emily's Stage Debut ...

After 3 months of rehearsals, not only does Emily know the words to swinging on a star off by heart but so do mom & dad.

The concert was absolutely fantastic, and Emily was a little star but then so was every boy and girl that took part. But let me tell you about it.
Firstly can you believe that I am up at 06:15 on a cold -6 degrees and frosty morning, but I guess my body has just become so used to getting up early this week that it can not lie in. Well what a day yesterday, I had to be up early and leave home at 8:30 for my exam but Derrick left at 8:00 to get Emily to the theatre for dress rehearsal, I think he really enjoys taking Emily on a Saturday morning, seems he has become friends with a load of the moms and listens to them gossip about there husbands. Well I guess it gives me a break anyhow.
So the exam I think went well, we had a theory from 9:30 to 10:30, which I know I will have passed but then the practical which was all the tax calculations and computations was a bit more difficult than I thought it would be that was from 11:00 to 13:00 and I handed in my paper 10 minutes before the time, without finishing the last question because I had just had enough, anyway I may scrape that one, otherwise I will have to repeat it next year, we get our results in 6 weeks time.

I got home and Emily, Derrick and I went into town, Emily was doing the matinee, Ballet, however she was first on at 15:00 but we couldn't pick her up until 16:30 and interval and then she had to be back at the theatre at 18:30, so there was actually no point in going home first.

Derrick and I went for a nice Italian lunch together, something we have not done in a long time, and then walked the streets of Temple bar and then back to the theatre to fetch Emily.

After we picked her up we walked up towards Grafton street to go and see the Christmas lights, the place was absolutely jam packed, then we took Emily to Eddie Rockets for a burger and milkshakes, and all too soon we were back at the theatre but this time we had tickets. When I booked the tickets I thought I had booked for the middle, but it turned out we had front row seats.
We was actually amazed, we thought that the show would really be amateurish but overall it was absolutely fantastic, we were going to stay for the whole show but decided that it had been a long day and we all need to go home to bed, so we picked Emily up and went off home. Tonight is her 3rd performance, we don't have tickets for tonight but I know she will be a little star again, I was so amazed that none of them even had stage fright.
Enjoy the photos.


  1. And now you can breathe a sigh of relief and store all thoe wonderful memories...forgetting about all the hard work and driving and dropping off that you have endured for the last year!

  2. Hey you think that Emily could tech me some of those cool ballet steps??!!(by the way, my attempt to sing along with Mariah hasnt gone down too well with the neighours.!!) Well done to Emily and her debut! I want an autograph!!!Siobhan

  3. What a wonderful little girl you have. Not to mention; really really beautiful! I bet she radiated on stage, how could she not. And how cool for her to be part of this. The pictures are all great, and lets us see how great it must have been to see this play. Thanks for sharing.

    Love EV :-)
