


Sunday, December 7, 2008

Sunday ...

Well we managed to have at least an extra hour lie in this morning, I had volunteered to man a stall at the JS Christmas Fair, so I got up early to start the washing and get myself ready. I also had to give Em a bath and wash her hair as she had about a can of hairspray and glitter in her hair from the Matinee at the Olympia.

Em was quite prepared to stay home instead of coming with, but D decided he wanted to come with, so Em had to as well. It was freezing cold, not quite as freezing as the previous day but practically just as bad. When we arrived at the school they were selling Gluvine, so that was the first thing I did, have a gluvine - this is what Christmas is all about, Breakfast of Bran and then Gluvine, if they had an Irish coffee it would have been even better.
So in we went to look at all the stalls, like most Christmas fairs they have some great stuff and then some really cr*p stuff, I did not end up buying anything except Em's school photos. Carla, Lisa and Natalie came along to lend their support and Natalie ended up going home with the Evil, rugrat and a bottle of wine.
I must say that the hour that I manned the stall was not too busy at all, but after I left and Eugenie took over they were absolutely mobbed, oh yes we had the teddy tombola and tattoo stand.
When we eventually managed to leave, after Em and Maya had gone to story telling time, Em just loves story telling time and if we want to punish her we just have to tell her that there is no story tonight and she gets very upset. She also has a wonderful imagination and can tell great stories herself. Anyway to get back to the leaving part, we stopped in Milltown to by our Christmas tree.
When we got home, I started decorating the tree while D got Em ready for her next performance at the theatre. I did not go with and ended up falling asleep on the couch while D took her. They only got home at 9:30 pm and we had to be up at 6:00 the next morning ready for school.

I was very thankful that the whole performance was now over and no more Song, dance and drama again till next year.

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