


Wednesday, January 7, 2009

How cold is it really?

So how cold is it really, well this morning I thanked my lucky starts that I had a car and was driving to work, when I started my car this morning which was covered in ice – I think try to clear the window by spraying the water thingy, and it froze immediately, the back one would not even work because the pipe was frozen.

The temperature gauge said -1.5, then when I got into it about 5 minutes later it was -2, I am sure some of you will so ha! -2 is that all, it’s been a long time since I left for work and it has been -2 outside, the whole way to work the temperature hovered between -1 and -.5 but I did not care, because that was outside and I was inside with the heaters blowing full hot air into the car to keep me warm.

I kept watching these people cycle past me and thought rather you than me, although I’d say it did not take them too long to warm up with the exercise.

Now just to make this clear, I am not complaining about the weather, I am merely stating a fact, what the cold morning was like for me and wondering if it could get any colder. On 98FM they were talking about having lived in Russia for a year because one of the guys took Russian at Trinity and how cold it is there, and how the temperatures would go down to -40 Celsius.

I must say that my coldest that I can remember was January 1985 in Austria, we arrived in Vienna and the next morning after breakfast set out to do some sight seeing, well we got as far as St. Stephens Cathedral and had to turn back to the hotel, it was -27 degrees Celsius, I remember my face being frozen, my hands were so cold they were burning. Roxanne and I went back to the hotel, found the bottle of whiskey that we had bought at the Roadside cafe on the autobahn and sat in front of the fire drinking neat whiskey, I had not heard of Jack Daniels in those days else Jack would definitely have been there.

The photos here are from the Snow in Johannesburg in 1981

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