


Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Travelling around the world!

So many years ago, my dear friend Wendy and her hubby came to visit us in Ireland, it was their last trip to the Northern Hemisphere before they immigrated to Australia (packed for Perth). We had just moved to Ireland and after they left we promised to visit them in Oz. Well for the last 7 and a half years, Wendy takes each opportunity to ask us when we are coming to visit, mind you it has become less and less frequent in the last few years.

Derrick has organised to take some time off over the Irish "summer" and I will more than likely have to ask my Boss (me) if I can get some time off too as we are planning to make one BIG trip over the summer, it mainly consists of a visit to Australia and South Africa. So the planning stage has started, and I thought it would be great to Blog each aspect of the trip before, during and after, so with that I now begin, as I am heading off to bed now, tomorrows post will start with the wonderful ordeal of "dealing with travel agents".

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