


Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Weather ... or not ...

Okay so I have been complaining about the bitterly cold weather, this is our 8th winter in Ireland and so far the coldest, never in the 8 years have we seen so much frost and has it been cold for so long with out a relent. Our country manager (CEO) has just got back from his Christmas at home, he is from Belgium and says that he would rather have spent the time in Ireland, aparently Belgium has been minus -14 in some places.

I figured that this can only mean 2 things, besides the fact that is seems that we have had the longest coldest winter ever, due to the fact that we did not have a summer, and those are: either we are going to have a very, very hot summer or else this is Global warming and we will have a very wet summer and go straight into winter again, which means that the next ice age is finally upon us and then it is time to look at moving South. I wouldn't really mind if it was cold and we had snow, but the snow just stays away!

Current Forecast

06 January 2009 05:04
A very cold start today with a widespread severe frost. The frost may linger in some midland areas, but will clear slowly from most areas. Apart from a little drizzle near north coasts during the afternoon, the day will be dry with variable cloud sunny spells and light winds. Temperatures will recover to range 3 to 5 degrees generally, but may remain near freezing well inland.

Tonight will be cloudy across the north with patchy rain affecting north and east Ulster for a time with perhaps sleet on hills there. Most other areas will be dry, but very cold again under clearer skies. A widespread severe frost will form with some fog patches. Lowest temperatures will range zero to minus 6 degrees - coldest in the midlands.

Apart from a few spots of drizzle near north coasts, tomorrow Wednesday will be dry and bright after a frosty start.3 Day OutlookWednesday night will be very cold with sharp to severe frost and some freezing fog, as air temperatures fall as low as minus 4 C or minus 5 C in places.

Thursday will be another dry, cold day with bright or sunny spells, though the frost and fog may linger in some midland and northern parts. There will be frost in many areas Thursday night also, but it will be less severe than previous nights. Friday will be another dry, bright day. Daytime temperatures on Friday will be a little higher, but it will still feel cold, in a freshening southerly breeze. The weather will turn a good deal milder during Saturday though, as wet and windy weather sweeps across the country from the Atlantic.


  1. We are all "under the weather" Rosie!

    The weather's been crazy here in Toronto this past year as well.

    I guess we have to think climate change, not global warming.

  2. Too True Barry, I guess some words that the Media put into our heads just stick! The weather is fascinating, and as we say in Ireland the only thing the Irish have to complain about is the weather, although that is not entirely true anymore but for now we won't go down that road.
