


Thursday, February 5, 2009

Day 4 of the SNOW

It has been snowing on and off for the past 4 days, however today was the worst and I could not get my car out of the drive to go and fetch E from school, so D had to do it. They eventually came round to grit the road at about 2 and then it started raining and a lot of the snow melted, but as soon as E got home, the snow came down again! Here are some photos.


  1. go girl that is quite the snowman you've got going there!!! Rose, just coz u did not feel like going out in the cold......that's my girl!!!

  2. Mom was out there too, just not very good at building snowmen, but if Emily had her way it would have been a lot smaller than that. The roads have frozen here, so E & D are at home, going to build a proper snowman and have snowball fights ... till later - R.
