


Sunday, February 8, 2009

Day 7 and still more snow

On Thursday night the sky was clear and we had a heavy frost, the temperature dropped down to about -3 and the foot of snow that was outside the house froze, making the roads treacherous and rendering any amount of trying to get out of the estate a dodgy and risky task, so hence Emily did not go to school and Derrick did not go to work.
I had a meeting at 12:00 and it was important that I made it as it was actually for the previous day and I could not get there. So D kindly took all the ice off my car, can you believe that the door handles froze that you could not open the door. Emily had fun throwing snowballs while D was trying to defrost the car.
My meeting went well, however I will only know about the work in about 2 weeks time, it is to do testing on the system that I worked on in my previous company for their upgrade, I can sign in remotely and then work from home which will be brilliant.
They predicted more snow for today, however D said the weather man never gets it right, I woke up at about 7 looked out the window and only the remnants of ice from the previous week were still on the ground, so I went back to bed. Emily came through at about 8 to ask for her breakfast and eventually at 8:30 I crawled out of bed and went threw to her room. I always throw open the curtains and the blind in her room as it provides the most light for upstairs. Well lone behold I opened everything and it was snowing, there were already about 2 inches on the ground and on our cars.
We then went through to Dundrum and on the way back took a drive up to the look out point about 2 miles up the road from us, we thought we were in Switzerland, they must have had about 2 feet of snow up there. Everyone was up there playing on snow boards and surf boards and what ever they could find to slide on.
Derrick found a road sign for Emily to slide around on, I don't know how the child manages with no leggings or pants (she refuses to wear either of them). We were up there for about half an hour and decided that a hot meal and warm house was a far better idea.
We are now wondering whether it will ever stop snowing.
Derrick took this photo of the trees on the way down, there are loads other on facebook if you want to have a look.

1 comment:

  1. Yep, I woke up and the roads were pure white, it is so peaceful and silent after the snow, I love it. Scraping the car, well that is not so much fun! Sadly we have still been off to work every day, and not a very pleasant time of it either, the sidewalks are trecherous - at least the roads are salted!
