


Saturday, March 28, 2009

Honestly - What people think of me! :-)

I received this email from Ina, and I thought it was great, a little bit of fun - the email read:

"If you saw ME in a police car what would you think I got arrested for?
Reply to me, alone , then fwd this on and see how many crimes you get accused of."

Well I thought that it would be a good post for the blog, some of them are really funny - thanks everyone who sent it back, I will keep the post updated with anymore answers I receive.

"Witness Protection"


"Sexual Harassment"


"Ladies of Sandton"

Lisa N

"Being Drunk & Disorderly"

Michael O

"Assaulting Derrick because he drove you nuts"


"I would think you were having an illicit affair with a good looking gardai!" (Gardai is a policeman or woman for the non-irish)


"For laughing too much"


"Streaking at a Rugby Match"

Dave (Thanks Dave)

"Drug smuggling for that is why all South Africans end up in Irish Jails"

Derrick Joyce

"that you'd locked your car keys in your car and they were taking you home to get spares???"


Willful damage to property when someone scratches/bumps your car and you ram a shopping trolley into theirs.
And maybe trespassing because Rose wants to go where Rose wants to go.
And when something happens to Emily, assault.


I await in antici.........pation the next accusation ...

And here they are ...

"Forgetting to pay for your groceries at M&S"


"Chatting on the phone"


1.An accomplice to smuggling weed (the transkei stuff) into Ireland and trying to sell it at the Guiness festival or in the local PUB!!

2. Finding out that you were the responsible for pulling the plug on the Oceanos and have been charged with attempted murder...who whould ever have thought Rose would do it!!!!


I think it would have to be something like in Fried Green Tomatoes.

The scene where the younger people rob the parking spot and she points out, she is older and has more insurance and proceeds to smash their car :-)

Lisa Mc

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