


Tuesday, March 31, 2009

My Wish come true ...

I can't believe March flashed past my eyes. It was a pretty eventful month, what with my dear friend Marsali coming over from London, St. Paddy's day braai, Emily and D both being sick and then all the birthdays. Oh yes and I became a great aunt again, my youngest niece had a baby boy on the 27th of March.

So my wish, well with the recession and buying a house, the pot of gold has dwindled so I told D not to buy me anything for my birthday this year, and if he did buy me presents to make them practical, so of course for Mothers day I got lots of vouchers from revive which I have decided to save and only go when I really have to, I am trying to hold out to as close as possible to the July holidays as we can, so we will see.
Anyway my wish for my birthday was Good weather and lots of sunshine and so far my birthday wishes are coming true. The weather this week has been absolutely fantabulous, and it is expected to last the rest of the week, with most of the sunshine tomorrow, Thursday and Friday. Friday I am finishing work at 11:30 as the school breaks up at 12:00 and Em and I are going to have a fun day together.

1 comment:

  1. No better present in Ireland than sun on your birthday! What did you and Em do for your fun day?
