


Thursday, April 2, 2009

Happy Birthday to Moi

Well my birthday came and went quite uneventful, I had my present the previous week when D and I went to see Tina Turner, so for my birthday I got a Tina Turner triple CD and a Bruce Springsteen DVD which I have yet to watch, and my birthday wish came true, the sun shone from the time we woke up at about 6:00 AM and did not go down till about 8:30 that evening, not a cloud in the sky and just pure Sunshine.
I picked Em up from Swimming (I think she told everyone in the school it was my birthday) and we drove to Sandymount strand and took a walk, the wind however was icy, so we did not spend too long on the beach and then drove home. I really had an awesome day, from the time I woke up, my mobile phone beeped non stop with message after message of birthday wishes, the phone at home kept ringing and my facebook was full of birthday wishes. Awesome! Thanks everyone for making my day so special.

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