


Thursday, June 11, 2009

Night out

It is not often you get to work with a bunch of people that you really make a connection with and they become almost like family. I guess I have been really lucky in my life to make such wonderful friends through work. I am still in touch with at least one person that I met through every company that I have worked for in my entire life, some of the my best friends and some of them as I said like family.

So it was great to be able to hitch up with my Irish family, the last time we went out was in February some time. I had not seen Andrea since December, before she had her baby, and Cormac I had not seen since our reunion Christmas Lunch.

We met at Monty's in Temple Bar every ones favourite Indian restaurant, it's a bit pricey but hey if it's only one every 4 months that I we meet up it's worth it. After Monty's Andrea had to go, I know the anxiousness of getting back to your new baby, so Bob, Cormac, Damo and I headed off to the roof top terrace at the Fitzsimmons Hotel.
I had not been in temple bar at night since I don't know when, and quite frankly it is really not my scene, tons of people having "hens" and "stags" on a Thursday night and making fools of themselves and drunk people all over the place.
Anyway we went up to the roof top terrace had a drink and then Damo gave me a lift home, I was still in bed before pumpkin hour. Looking forward to the next get together!These photos were taken at the Fitzsimmons Hotel, horsing around trying to do our best "Colgate" smiles.

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