


Sunday, June 7, 2009

Quick Update

We got our passports back from the Australian Embassy on Tuesday, so D arranged to take Thursday afternoon off so that we could go to the French Embassy to get our Visa for French Polynesia.

It was Emily's birthday as well, so I picked Emily up from school early and went off to the French Embassy in Ailsbury Road, Ailsbury Road is where most of the Embassy's are and some Ambassadorial residents as well, it is one of the most expensive Roads to live in Ireland. The house are Georgian and huge and most go for over 5 million Euro some for us much and even more than 25 million Euro.

We had to queue up outside, what seemed like for ages, the Embassy is only open between 2 and 4 pm, Monday to Thursday and from 2 to 3 on Friday. We eventually got in and the guy spent about 15 minutes checking all our papers, by the time we got out it was 3 pm. The guy said our passports and visas will be ready on the 15th of June and on the 17th we have our interview at the British embassy to get our visa for Britain.

We stopped off at Rathfarnham Castle on the way home as they have a nice little cafe and kiddies park, the weather was still glorious and I had only had breakfast, so was starving. The meals are very healthy, very much like the Avoca cafes so I had some quiche and salad.

Emily had great fun playing in the park and all to soon it was time to go home. I took some photos which I will add as soon as I have downloaded them.

Friday was a hectic day at work, I only have 3 weeks left and the system seems to be falling apart and of course we know who will get the blame once I have gone ... but no, no one has a blame culture in this country. Yea right.

Then Saturday night we had "The Nery's and the Steven's" over for a Roast Dinner. The Nery's are returning to SA and the Steven's are going to live in London, it was a nice quite evening just chatting, it felt kind of sad though to know that we probably won't have them round our dinner table for a very very long time, if every again! ;( (A reason, a season, a lifetime).

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