


Thursday, June 24, 2010

The Circle of Life

Week 3 of new Job, wow I can't believe I have been working for 3 weeks already it just doesn't seem possible. We are trying to get ourselves into a type of routine, but don't know how long it will last - the nights just seem to be so short.  As it is, it is now 22:36 and I know I should go to bed because else tomorrow I am going to be tired, oh well it's Friday and maybe it will be quiet, but maybe not.

Up at 6:15, shower, dress and in the kitchen by 7:00 in between fighting with Em to get up and get dressed, go down stairs, make coffee for D, get breakfast plates out, cereal for 2, porridge for me, call to Em to hurry up, fight with her to finish getting dressed, 7:30 nag her to get to the car, so endless nagging from 6:30 ish till 7:30 ish.  Once D & Em have left get my lunch ready for work, do odds and ends, check the mail on the computer, out the door by 8:15.

Arrive at work 28km's later at 8:40 work, work, work, work, work, work, work, lunch, work, work, coffee, work, work, work, work - leave @ 5:30 - so Monday & Wednesday off to the Gym and other days straight home to get dinner on the go.  Arrive home @ 5:55 dump bag and belongings, straight to kitchen to sort out dinner.  6:30 D and Em arrive home, homework, bath, dinner, bed - 9:00 pm ME TIME - Blog, read blogs, read mail, facebook, blog, surf, bed @ 11:00 or 12:00 - beep, beep beep, beep beep beep that damn alarm goes off for the next morning - and so the circle of life begins once more :)

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