


Wednesday, June 23, 2010

No more Yummy Briyani

On Fathers day we had our friends J&C over with J's Mom and Niece, they were really the only South African friends we made when we moved over to Ireland because they are such a genuine nice couple.  No hang ups ! And of course there is baby 'x' who is the most beautiful baby boy I have ever seen in my life, except of course for my godchild Daniel.  

Anyway J made the most divine Chicken Briyani and brought it over, and it must have been one of the hottest days we have had so far this summer.  So we lazed around in the back garden and after, Lunch, desert and tea we went up to the top of the mountain so that Mrs M and T (J's Niece and mom) could see the view over Dublin and Howth, I can't believe it's only 10 minutes up the road from us.  Here are some photos.
We had left over Chicken Briyani for 2 nights, but sadly it is now all finished, have to watch J make it next time so I can make it too!

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