


Monday, February 11, 2013

I love my Job, I do, I do, I do ...

Did I tell you I love my job, for the first time in the 12 years I have lived and worked in Ireland I finally found a company where I feel I belong.  Now that's not to say that I did not like any of my previous jobs or companies, because I did.  However I now work for an American company, and the reason for being employed in the company is for your knowledge and ability.

For the first time in 12 years, I am not the "foreigner", no I am one of many foreigners even though I am now Irish, and there is not a majority of Catholic Irish people, there are Irish people but I would say majority are of other religious beliefs.  In our Dublin team alone there are only 4 Irish, 1 South African, 1 New Zealander,  1 British and 1 Tanzanian which makes it a 50 / 50 split.  In the company in Dublin well that is a whole different story, we are now up at 5 Italians, a lot of French, Dutch, Polish, Russian, Swedish, Kenyan, Australian and the list goes on.

Having come from South Africa where I was brought up in a country of people from every corner of the globe, where we respected everyone's religions, beliefs and customs I now feel at home.  No longer am I the only one who doesn't do Ash Wednesday, Shrove Tuesday or any other customary event that the Irish celebrate.

Life in Ireland has been tough and especially between 2008 and 2011, where I felt like the outcast and the person who was stealing an Irish persons job, because people made you feel like that.  However that is a whole different story which I won't get into tonight, we'll keep that for another day.

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