


Thursday, February 7, 2013

The Merry Ploughboy

The Merry Ploughboy pub

D's nephew is over visiting Dublin for three days and tonight is his last night, so thought we would take him to a traditional Irish pub.  If ever you want the best pub food in Dublin this has to be the place, the Seafood Chowder is to die for, it's really a meal all of it's own.

This pub is literally five minutes away from where we live but we hardly ever go there, I often see the Trafalgar tours and Contiki tours taking bus loads of tourist up the road, although that is normally in summer. I thought they might have something on tonight, but alas no, however he still loved the place.

Absolutely far better than Johnny Foxes and price wise so reasonable compared to JF's, so if ever you are looking for a traditional Irish pub, this is the place and it too is in the Dublin mountains. 

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