


Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Coronavirus Curbing the Spread Government Curtailment Day #5

Today is St. Patrick's day, however the parades all over Ireland and the USA have been cancelled due to this Virus, a very bad day for pubs as they are all closed and this is the day they would make a killing!

Coronavirus government curtailment day #5 how many of you wish yo could wake up and the nightmare would be over?
Happy St. Patrick’s day!
We need to do the long walk in the country today, blow out the cobwebs!
🍀🍀🍀 Happy birthday Roni and Melanie 🍀🍀🍀
It's strange to think that last year today I woke up after being in a coma for 6 days, it reminds me how we need to appreciate each day we have left on this earth, and never take anything for granted! Be kind to everyone as we are all fighting our own battles! And who knows if all of us will come out unscathed from this Covid-19 epidemic.
Take care everyone, and spread the love   

Coronavirus: 69 new cases on quietest St Patrick's Day | Business Post

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