


Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Coronavirus Curbing the spread - WFH Day #4

Coronavirus Curbing the spread - WFH Day #4 ...

Today was a challenging day, trying to learn something new on the product with only colleagues at the other side of Zoom to help.

The DJ on the radio said by the time Coronavirus is over and we are no longer all in self isolation, how many divorces will there be ðŸ˜‚.

So tired of reading about Nostradamus predictions, Siener Van Rensburg and every other person who has interpreted this as "The end of the World" and the apocalypse has arrived! If it is, I really don't need everyone telling me.

Tired of Conspiracy theories ... China invented this disease so they could take over the world! - seriously???

People spreading Fake News - Yes Mr. Trump now we all know what "Fake News" means, till tomorrow - stay safe and listen to music!!!

I bet those people who live close to airports are celebrating the lack of Noise!

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