


Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Coronavirus curbing the spread Lockdown Day #19

Coronavirus curbing the spread
Lockdown Day #19
Words fail me when people put up stupid stuff about the Virus, like how many people die of other illnesses on a daily basis etc. At no one time have there been so many people that need oxygen, or ICU at the same time. Sure probably more people die of other illnesses but let's say there are 1000 people with other illnesses how many would need oxygen and ICU treatment at the same time?
Okay had my rant for the day - Happy Wednesday everyone! At least we weren't on the Titanic as this would have been our final moments, thank you Robin and Moss again for rescuing us from our own "Titanic" at least we did not hit an iceberg  
Image may contain: possible text that says 'Happy Wednesday! Have a Bright and Beautiful Day!'Image may contain: possible text that says 'And the world came together as the people stayed apart.'

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