


Tuesday, April 14, 2020

#Stay at Home

So yesterday Emily and I went out to do a big grocery shop, I gave up on Easter Friday as the queues to get into the shops were a joke, you see with Social Distancing you now have to queue up to go into the supermarket as they only let so many people in at a time, which doesn't actually work!  If they had a one way system maybe it would work. 

So we got what we needed at Lidl and then I wanted to go to Marks and Spencer in Dundrum, on the way there wasn't there a guarda roadblock.

Image may contain: car and outdoor He gave me such a hard time saying that I am more than 2km's from home, but that rule was only for exercising and not for groceries. So I though I should just check this out today, the guard was just throwing his weight around, seriously!   Luckily he let me carry on with my journey.

Stay at home

Everyone needs to stay at home to help slow the spread of coronavirus.
You should only leave your home to: 
  • shop for essential food and household goods 
  • attend medical appointments, collect medicine or other health products
  • care for children, older people or other vulnerable people - this excludes social family visits
  • exercise outdoors - within 2 kilometres of your home and only with people from your own household - keeping 2 metres between you and other people
  • travel to work if you provide an essential service - be sure to practice social distancing

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